
Pandora's Promise

After watching the movie on Pandora’s Promise on Sunday April 6,2018. When I hear the word nuclear, my first reaction brings horrific images to my brain asvI think of war and Hiroshima. When I initially hear nuclear power I think of the awful events of Chernobyl and the chemical meltdown that ensued, leaving a large town deserted and ruined. However, my view on nuclear power has completely changed. The movie starts off with a fantastic quote that I  thought was worth mentioning because it really relates to this topic of discussion really well. The quote is, “ The more you peel that onion, the more strange things you figure out”. Pandora’s Promise was released in 2013 and directed by Robert Stone. It begins with clips from the Fukushima Disaster in 2011. Then the movie showed scenes of marches, speeches before it transitions into introductions with several environmentalists. The environmentalists tell their personal stories about their complete conversion from being  a...

Northern Pass Project

I believe that the Northern Pass should not be built and the negatives are greater than the positives that would come from the Northern Pass. As it is mentioned in the article, Understanding Northern Pass, New England is already to dependent on natural gas and with climate change becoming a very real, and serious issue in our generation, now is not the time to be using more natural gas for more electricity. In fact, it is stated that, “ New Hampshire already generates more electricity than it uses, and projected electricity demand has been trending downward”. Why would we build the Northern Pass when New Hampshire already has more power than it needs. Not only is it unnecessary, it will negatively impact other markets in New Hampshire like the real estate market.The fact that the Eolian Energy had their wind turbines rejected by the SEC for having “ a significant qualitative impact” would only rest assure that the Northern Pass would be even worse, especially not to mention the wind...

Toothbrush Cradle to Cradle

Go check out our project at...

Transfer Station

On a brisk Saturday morning of January 10th, 2018, Alan's A block APES class took a bus over to the   Waste Transfer Station of Andover, New Hampshire. After getting off the bus and being welcomed by a cold breeze we began our journey around the transfer site.  Immediately stepping out of the vehicle, we are greeted with the sign below... (photo by A.J. Fox) This sign indicates that the people of Andover pay taxes to have this transfer site, so if you don't have a sticker than you can NOT dump at this site. The first place we stropped at was the general waste compacter picutred below... (picture by A.J. Fox) Alan told us these containers are compacted and then weighed before being shipped of to an incinerator. This is an unfortunate part of waste management since it is the cheapest way for residents to dispose of their trash becaus ethey don't have to pay extra for recycling and reuse recycling. They simply just through all their trash into this machine and head off. ...

Ted Talk

William McDonough states: “ The fundamental issue is that, for me, design is the first signal of human intentions. ”   Do you share McDonough’s viewpoint? Explain and use an example of a design that supports your position. I agree with William’s viewpoint on design and his example that he uses of the rubber duck. It is so true that we are designing things that are known to cause cancer in the state of california yet we sell and distribute it with the intentions for it to be used by young children. That is a very interesting cultural design, and one that is certainly not proper.   2) McDonough states: what we realize today is that modern culture appears to have adopted a strategy of tragedy. If we come here and say, "Well, I didn't intend to cause global warming on the way here," and we say, "That's not part of my plan," then we realize it's part of our de facto plan. Because it's the thing that's happening because we have ...

The Hunt for PBDEs

photos by: A.J. Fox photos by: A.J. Fox  A.) Where (what kind of room) did you find most of the flame retardant products? I was unsuccessfull at finding any flame retardant products. All of the furniture that I examined had no sticker to provide an answer or it said that there were no flame retardants in it. In my dormitory I was also unsuccessfull at finding any flame retardant products. I believe I didn’t find any because all of the furniture in the library and most of my clothes in my dorm are brand new with the exception of dormitory furniture and my mattress do to the law change made years ago. It is also a possibility that some of the labels were frale or not attached on the furniture or clothing properly which resulted in the label being lost.  B.) What was the most abundant product found to be dosed in flame retardant? As I mentioned above there was no products I found with evidence of flame retardant thus, no abundant products were dosed flame retardan...

Final Post: Proctor Pond Assessment Project

photo by: A.J. Fox General Purpose: The Proctor Pond is a campus landmark, marking the center of campus. It is an important part of the overall health of the campus ecosystem and even the Merrimack River watershed. For our Proctor Pond Assessment our objective was to learn sampling and data collection methods that we were able to apply during our fieldwork to assess the ecological "health" of the Proctor campus pond by evaluating the biotic and abiotic elements of the pond. The goal of this assessment is to compare the quality of water from this year with the assessments taken over the past decade so we can determine the direction the Proctor Pond water quality is trending towards as well as analyze any possible patterns over the years.I think that the Proctor’s water quality has started to level off at a stable and healthy level because the diversity index, or the amount of organisms present in the pond, has leveled off over the last couple years and has found a heal...