Northern Pass Project
I believe that the Northern Pass should not be built and the negatives are greater than the positives that would come from the Northern Pass. As it is mentioned in the article, Understanding Northern Pass, New England is already to dependent on natural gas and with climate change becoming a very real, and serious issue in our generation, now is not the time to be using more natural gas for more electricity. In fact, it is stated that, “ New Hampshire already generates more electricity than it uses, and projected electricity demand has been trending downward”. Why would we build the Northern Pass when New Hampshire already has more power than it needs. Not only is it unnecessary, it will negatively impact other markets in New Hampshire like the real estate market.The fact that the Eolian Energy had their wind turbines rejected by the SEC for having “ a significant qualitative impact” would only rest assure that the Northern Pass would be even worse, especially not to mention the wind turbines would be renewable energy, regardless of appearance and it was still rejected. In the article, Northern Pass Real Estate Expert Concedes Power Lines ‘Thin The Market’, when the head of a study that tested the impact of property value for single-family residences along the new transmission line stretching from Pittsburg to Deerfield, it is stated that, “You did no analysis regarding this possibility,” Manzelli asked. Chalmers responded: “That is right.” She and others questioned why no work was done to determine if tourism facilities along the proposed corridor would lose value”. New Hampshire is known for its tourist attraction, especially in the White Mountains and to not know how big on an impact this line Northern Pass would have on our tourist market as well as property value could be detrimental to our state.
Forwardnhplan. (n.d.). Retrieved April 3, 2018, from
Northern Pass Real Estate Expert Concedes Power Lines ‘Thin the Market’. (2017, August 2). Retrieved from
Understanding Northern Pass. (2014, January). Retrieved from database.
Walton, R. (2018, February 16). Massachusetts will replace northern pass if project doesn’t nab NH permit. Retrieved April 3, 2018, from
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