
Showing posts from April, 2018

Pandora's Promise

After watching the movie on Pandora’s Promise on Sunday April 6,2018. When I hear the word nuclear, my first reaction brings horrific images to my brain asvI think of war and Hiroshima. When I initially hear nuclear power I think of the awful events of Chernobyl and the chemical meltdown that ensued, leaving a large town deserted and ruined. However, my view on nuclear power has completely changed. The movie starts off with a fantastic quote that I  thought was worth mentioning because it really relates to this topic of discussion really well. The quote is, “ The more you peel that onion, the more strange things you figure out”. Pandora’s Promise was released in 2013 and directed by Robert Stone. It begins with clips from the Fukushima Disaster in 2011. Then the movie showed scenes of marches, speeches before it transitions into introductions with several environmentalists. The environmentalists tell their personal stories about their complete conversion from being  a...

Northern Pass Project

I believe that the Northern Pass should not be built and the negatives are greater than the positives that would come from the Northern Pass. As it is mentioned in the article, Understanding Northern Pass, New England is already to dependent on natural gas and with climate change becoming a very real, and serious issue in our generation, now is not the time to be using more natural gas for more electricity. In fact, it is stated that, “ New Hampshire already generates more electricity than it uses, and projected electricity demand has been trending downward”. Why would we build the Northern Pass when New Hampshire already has more power than it needs. Not only is it unnecessary, it will negatively impact other markets in New Hampshire like the real estate market.The fact that the Eolian Energy had their wind turbines rejected by the SEC for having “ a significant qualitative impact” would only rest assure that the Northern Pass would be even worse, especially not to mention the wind...